Governor Oaminal inspires PGMO employees with call to excellence, unity


Misamis Occidental (PGMO)--Governor Henry S. Oaminal delivered a powerful and motivating address to Capitol employees during today’s flag-raising ceremony, emphasizing the indispensable role each employee plays in the success of the provincial government. His message was a stirring reminder of their commitment to serve with compassion, integrity, and excellence.

Governor Oaminal praised the dedicated service of the Capitol employees, highlighting their vital role in reaching even the most remote barangays and ensuring efficient delivery of services.

"We, as officials and employees are the arm of the government in dispensing governmental service down to the remotest barangays of our province. There will be no provincial government of Misamis Occidental without each one of us--public officials and employees. We reached this 124th Anniversary of Philippine Civil Service because we stood by the test of time,'' he said.

The Governor then challenged the employees to reflect on their performance through the lens of three core pillars: dedication, commitment, and efficiency. He urged everyone to embrace these principles in their daily work.

Governor Oaminal underscored the importance of dedication, asserting that exceeding expectations not only inspires colleagues but also makes a profound difference in the lives of those they serve. 

He stressed that true commitment involves unwavering belief in Misamis Occidental’s vision and resilience in the face of challenges, which together foster a culture of accountability and excellence.

The Governor also highlighted the crucial role of Efficiency, noting that smartly optimizing processes ensures timely and effective service delivery. His powerful message has energized the Capitol team, setting a positive tone for the province’s future endeavors.

As Misamis Occidental continues its mission to embody the 5Ms—Malinawon, Malambuon, Malipayong—the Governor’s message was a rallying call for unity and excellence.

He encouraged all employees to let the successes of the year inspire them to achieve even greater heights. “Together, as one team, let us continue to deliver excellence and make Misamis Occidental a beacon of peace, progress, and prosperity,” Governor Oaminal concluded.

The Governor’s address has set a positive tone for the weeks ahead, reinforcing the collective spirit and dedication required to drive the province forward.

As Misamis Occidental looks towards its upcoming milestones, the unity and enthusiasm of its public servants will undoubtedly play a crucial role in shaping the province’s future. (SN/PGMO)



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