Asenso MisOcc athletes ready to excel at NMRAA 2024


MISAMIS OCCIDENTAL--After three months of intensive training, athletes from Misamis Occidental are poised to tackle the challenges with renewed vigor and strength at the Northern Mindanao Regional Athletic Association Meet 2024. The event is set to take place from May 13th to 17th on Camiguin Island.

MisOcc Schools Division Superintendent Reynaldo Manuel Jr. announced that the One Asenso Misamis Occidental team, under Governor Henry Oaminal's leadership, is primed to excel at the Northern Mindanao Regional Athletic Association (NMRAA) 2024.

"Our comprehensive preparation began in January or February 2024 with in-house training, generously supported by Governor Oaminal, encompassing provisions for food, equipment, nutrition, moral and spiritual guidance, financial support, and motivation," he stated.

Governor Oaminal pledged P50,000 for gold, P20,000 for silver, and P10,000 for bronze medals, significantly boosting morale and motivation among athletes, coaches, chaperones, and officials.

"Our coaches have confirmed our 100% readiness level. Any minor deficiencies, including the provision of muscle plaster, vitamins, and combat-sport-specific nutrition, have been addressed," SDS Manuel revealed.

With coaches' needs met and the advantage of early access to the playing venue for familiarization, the One MisOcc team is poised for success.

"Governor, thank you very much. Personally, I have never experienced such support as superintendent. Our goal to become champions, as discussed, seems much more attainable now. Thank you for everything. Your leadership, vision, and mission have inspired us all greatly, and we are very confident in our ability to become champions,” expressed SDS Manuel gratefully. (SN/PGMO)


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